Suffering from constipation and gas build-up, Kimchi talks about enemas, the Lords and Ladies of Death and Decay, drug side effects, medical marijuana, and more.
During the Winter, Sing!
11 January 2017.
Last night at the White Owl, with a fire blazing in the masonry stove, about fifteen of us gathered for a song circle inspired by Kimchi’s desire, in her time of transition, to have more singing in her life. This was the first in a series of circles; the plan is to hold one per week. Continue reading “During the Winter, Sing!”
Take Back the Power -Video
Women’s empowerment! Time for change! The women need to lead! (“If I was Queen!”) We got the power! …Kimchi’s righteous rant while walking through a snowy Earthaven with Rainbow filming. January, 2017.
Perfect Offerings-Up in Smoke by Helen Zuman
The night of Tuesday, December twentieth, was the longest of the year; Wednesday morning, I joined several others at the top of Lottawatta Way to sing (and drum) up the sun, Earthaven style. As she rose, great and orange, over a mound between two ridges, we serenaded each neighborhood, beginning with the one at our feet: “Hut Hamlet, you are beautiful/Hut Hamlet, you are strong/So wonderful to be with/We’ll help you carry on/Hut Hamlet, hear our loving song.”
Continue reading “Perfect Offerings-Up in Smoke by Helen Zuman”